Today I am 40. OMG WTF BBQ

A good thing to do when your age becomes a round number is to look back over the years and consider your path – how far you’ve come, the trail of projects and people in your wake, and what direction you appear to be headed.

Clearly, I was destined to eat a lot of donuts and southern food. But I don’t live in the south and have never visited. If nothing else, I’ve been verbosely made aware that barbecue as I understand it is but a wan proxy for the genre.

Another good thing to do at turning points in your life is to actually turn. Do something in a different direction. That’s what I’m going to do – go south, drive around a lot, and see what all these different types of barbecue are about. Starting tomorrow.

Author: andr00

I like donuts, BBQ, driving, and things I don't know anything about.